Tuesday, 29 May 2018

QSL from KRMG Tulsa OK 740 AM

This one blew my socks away. KRMG in Tulsa verified by email,  with Levi May, Programme Director, saying...."LOVE THIS! I can confirm 100% this is KRMG8800 miles!  That is just incredible. Graham, thank you for sending this over.  You have made my week." Picking out KRMG from our recordings made my week, too! It looks like there is a secondary night-time lobe aimed east, but not really in our direction, with the primary lobe heading out west. How did that 25kW signal get to Cape Point, I wonder? Oklahoma stations are rare in this neck of the woods and I'm pretty sure this is a first here, although we don't have good records of this. In the clip you can hear a bit of weather and then the station cue including their FM frequency. There's co-channel interference from the big Brazilian, Sociedade da Bahia, which can sometimes be heard here on a car radio. Close by on 729 AM is Cape Pulpit Radio, a local station, which can produce a lot of splash but was relatively quite on this occasion.

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