Wednesday, 6 June 2018

WDJO Cincinnati OH 1480 AM - 300 Watts, 8300 miles: ID audios attached

This is another amazing catch. WDJO Cincinnati on AM 1480 playing Oldies, heard at Cape Pt, 8300 miles away. It was night-time at the station so it was using just 300 Watts! The antenna orientation was primarily to the south-west. Absolutely no idea how such a low-powered signal could come this far, other than to say that the strangest things happen in this hobby. Attached are two clips with station IDs. I've been in contact with the station but, try as I might, sadly cannot get a response to my reception report, despite the ID clips and other details, like four of the oldies they played. Incidentally, it is quite remarkable how Shazam can recognise pop songs through heavy radio static! Footnote: a year later Gary Stephens at WDJO verified per email..... one of my best!

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