Friday, 25 May 2018

QSL WMTR Morristown NJ AM 1250

Glenn Hauser of World of Radio fame (see his DX Listening Digest out every week), spurred me to start posting some audio files on my blog. It turns out this is quite easy to do using Soundcloud. As a starter, the attached audio clip is from WMTR, Morristown, NJ on AM 1250, using 7 kW night-time power, heard at Cape Pt, near here, 7800 miles from the  station. The station has a Classic Oldies format, very unusual these days, targeting the New York metro area. On the clip you can hear the end of "Daydream Believer" by The Monkees (1968) followed by the station cue. Mark Mitchell at the station commented wryly per email "...since we have to null our signal to the west at night, you actually cannot hear our groundwave about 15 miles west of here, within the same county!" An interesting piece of radio trivia is that Samuel Morse did his inventing of the famous code right there in Morristown, in 1836, so a long radio history for the town.

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