If you cast an eye over a map of the Atlantic Ocean you will see how snugly Brazil might have fitted into the armpit of west Africa and down the western coast of the continent. And so it was about a 300m years ago. This was the supercontinent of Pangaea. We keep on hearing how Brazil has discoverd these great oil fields in the pre-salt sub-ocean depths in the Campos Santos basin. And no surprise that right across the other side of that same ocean another Portuguese-speaking country is busy auctioning off licences in its own pre-salt oil fields in the Kwanza basin. Angola, which already produces 1.6m barrels per day is set to boost that a lot over the next decade as it brings the next generation of oil discoveries into production. Some say that the convection currents in the earth's mantle will move the continents together again but in the meantime the Angolans are going to make off like bandits. The QSL is from Radio Diamang heard on 60mb and 31mb way back in 1968 when I was a schoolboy in Cape Town. What a nice full-detail card in Portuguese, French and English and a pic of a cool marimba band. The station is named for Companhia de Diamantes de Angola which controlled the gem-quality diamond fields discovered near Dundo in north-eastern Angola 100 years ago.
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