Sunday, 17 April 2011

Poland still smouldering about Smolensk

Last week Poland marked the anniversary of the Smolensk air disaster when 96 people including President Lech Kaczynski perished. The disaster produced a brief period of political unity in Poland but this has disintegrated into acrimony, with Kaczynski's brother accusing the opposition-led government of Donald Tusk of capitulation to the Russians concerning the cause of the crash. The Russians say the the Polish aircrew must take all the blame, accepting no responsibility on its side for air traffic control problems at the airport. Poland's model economy has also had a bit of a shock when it was revealed the imports of mainly second-hand cars from Germany have been hugely under-recorded meaning that its current account deficit is far larger than reported. The QSL is from Warsaw 1 on long-wave, heard in London in 2004. ;- ptgt@ ' '

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