Like a number of American states California has a big budget deficit, a record $26bn at last count. Riding to the rescue from over the hill or so voters thought came Governor Moonbeam, Jerry Brown, who last governed the Sunshine State 28 years ago. It turns out it could be a mission too far and he may in fact be over the hill but not able to ride to the rescue. In the meantime, predecessor Arnold Schwarzenegger is on a jolly European tour. Jerry Brown was a product of the 1970s. He dated rocker Linda Rondstadt and once suggested that California launch its own satellite. It was a time when Mike Royko called the state the world's largest outdoor mental asylum. The credit crunch has dealt harshly with California and Brown's attempts to move the state forward on a new budget plan have failed in the face of Republican opposition, unlike New York and Illinois. Brown seems more intent on saving the state's bloated bureaucracy than its education system. Worst case if no agreement is forthcoming will be a reversion to the 2009 situation where California humiliatingly had to issue IOUs in the place of cash in order to pay its bills. The picture is from a QSL from KNX Newsradio Los Angeles, CA on 1070 kHz, heard in 1987.
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