Wednesday, 8 August 2018

QSL WDCX Rochester NY AM 990

From the shores of Lake Ontario in upstate New York comes a QSL from WDCX, Rochester on AM 990. Night-time output is only 2.5 kW but it made here to Cape Pt, 8000 miles or just about 13000 km away. Brian Cunningham at the station enthused: 'This is most assuredly the FARTHERMOST reception report I have ever received! I can verify that the audio you included with your report is indeed WDCX! WOW!' Brian says: 'we reduce power to 2.5 kW, utilizing 6 towers at night. Our night-time signal propagates due East at night, to protect another station on 990 in Detroit.' So not exactly south-east towards the southern tip of Africa but in the general direction! There's quite a bit of co-channel interference in the clip but the ID is clear enough.


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