Wonderful, wonderful Copenhagen, gone in a flash

Just back from another rush trip to western Europe. On one day we flew - London to Frankfurt, Copenhagen, Stockholm and even managed to see some clients! It was a pity the Copenhagen visit was so brief as I had no chance to meet again with Anker Petersen and Kaj Bredahl Jorgensen, stalwarts of the Danish Short Wave Club International, which has been going for over 50 years. I had a delightful meeting with them in a Copenhagen hotel last year which ended up with a picture of us on the DSWCI magazine - fame at last! The club bills itself as 'DX Club that
had global membership 30 years before "Globalization" ' and it's true. In my early teens I knew where every country in the world was and most capitals, even the islands in the Pacific and tiny places like Belize (British Honduras) and San Marino, to say nothing of little dots like Tristan da Cunha and Cape Verde Islands. It always amazes me when people talk about 'visiting Africa' as if it was one homogeneous place rather than a continent with over 50 countries, easily spanning both sides of the equator. Denmark itself is quite a small country with a high standard of living. I believe Scandinavia to be probably the most civilised region on the planet. The QSL is from Radio Denmark heard on long-wave in Kent in 1996.
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