Ecuador goes into a referendum this weekend. Voters are being asked to vote on a list of no less than 10 questions ranging widely from restraints on media ownership and reforming the judiciary to limits on bullfighting and cockfighting and bans on casinos and gambling. Gimme a break! The exercise is more just a popularity test for President Rafael Correa because most people don't really understand what the referendum is all about. Correa has made a successful recovery following last year's police uprising and continues with a programme of spending on schools, hospitals and roads. The strong oil price has provided cash flow for this poor and divided country which defaulted on its sovereign debt in 2008. Only nine years earlier it became the first country to default on Brady bonds (the debt structure created after the Latin American debt crises in the 1980s). The QSL is from Teleradio in Guayaquil, heard on 1350 AM one morning in central London using a Wellbrook 1530 antenna in the garden. It came through crystal clear for a few minutes, enough to get an ID and some programme details. I heard Ondas de la Montana in Medellin, Colombia on the same morning but try as I might never received a QSL.
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