Monday, 20 December 2010

Catching the Yule tide

It's Yuletide time again. Here we are at the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere (and summer down here in Cape Town). Yule goes back to pagan times and was a recognition that the days were about to start getting longer. The Yule log these days is a cake but in ancient times would typically be an oak branch to set on the fire which would hopefully burn for a long time and give out good heat. This winter in the north is particularly cold. The amount of snow in London this month is much greater than in any year during the 12 we lived there. It's the second cold winter in a row. Is there any connection with global warming? You have to wonder whether a couple more cold winters won't have people revising their opinions on this thorny subject. Maybe its just a statistical blip in a long cycle. Meanwhile, it's hot in Cape Town but it's been a pretty mild summer so far. The QSL is one of many I collected from UK AM stations in the 1990s. This one was heard just before Christmas 1997 - BBC Radio Derby.

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