Really getting into this. Here is a utility QSL. Used to make these little cards myself and send them to the station with a report and also a local picture postcard. I heard Naha Aeradio quite a bit in the 1980s while living in Joburg, RSA. A low-powered 1 kW station on an island group that certainly contributed to the downfall of Yukio Hashimoto, the Japanese PM, a few weeks ago. He to'd and fro'd on whether to move the US base there. This was not a smart thing to do in a country that has been getting quite sniffy with its politicians recently, having thrown out the long-ruling LDP. Now Naoto Kan, who replaced Hashimoto, is wriggling after the current ruling DPJ lost the upper house in today's election. Will it impact the yen and Japanese stocks? Probably not much: politicians of whatever hue in Japan have their hands tied by the huge debt burden and declining population dynamic.
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