Well the blog signs off in South Africa and will re-open in London, where we are moving as from tonight. As I look out over Simonstown on a windy, greyish day I know I'm gonna miss this place so much. A north-wester is blowing and I saw some surfers out at Muizies in a small swell as I rode past on the train. Cape Town Metrorail works, but barely. The rolling stock is in a parlous state with ripped seats, graffiti everywhere and the wheels screech round corners. The last leg alongside the sea from Fish Hoek to Simonstown always takes ages because of the corners. But it was still fun tracking markets on my laptop using 3G in the mornings from this sleepy hollow. SA's weather forecasting system is pretty good and it needs to be in a place where wind knowledge is so important for sailing, surfing and various other outdoor pursuits. The QSL is from ZOE33 Gough Island in the South Atlantic. This is one of SA's weather stations and I heard them on the utility bands with 1kW back in 1986.