The two week holiday in Mauritius was fabulous. It is resonant of the Land of the Lotos-Eaters (Tennyson) in which it seemed always to be afternoon because of the languid and peaceful atmosphere. Club Med has a great formula there. Every day it's great food and cocktails, which in normal circumstances would quickly register an extra 5kgs on your bathroom scale. But you burn it off. Each day I exerted myself in a melange of Hobie Cat sailing, water-skiing, petanque, ping pong, water polo for the guests vs the staff and tennis in the evening with the floodlights coming on in the fading light. And it's French! Yes there is a smattering of South Africans and other nationalities but most of the guests are from France with a few from Reunion as well. My French is appalling now, through lack of practice, but within a few days it started to come back and French people are so friendly when you try to speak their langauge, no matter how broken. Club Med has just come out with a big improvement in earnings and it seems they are re-branding higher up the income curve. All I can say is when that Hobie starts to hum through the water and you've one hull way up out of the water, there is no place you'd rather be. The QSL is from Mauritius Broadcasting Corp heard on 684 kHz AM in Johannesburg in 1993.